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Tamagotchi On Vs. Pix: What is the Best Tamagotchi?

Nostalgia and sentimentality are some of the reasons why the 90s is making a comeback. From fashion to entertainment, the trends of yesterday are infiltrating the 21st century. But one of the most surprising resurgences from the nineteen-nineties has got to be the Tamagotchi.

If you are a millennial, you probably had one of your very own digital pets back in the day. And today, you probably want to find out which is better, Tamagotchi On vs Pix? You know, for research purposes for gifting to a child (or your inner child, same thing). 

Tamagotchi Throwback 

The handheld Tamagotchi is an egg-shaped device that has a small screen and 3 buttons that give limitless fun. You get to take care of your very own pet from a baby to a child, a teen, and then an adult. It was first released in 1996 and took the games and toys industry by storm.

During the early 2000s, new Tamagotchi versions were still being produced but the popularity of the tiny device started to wane. With new technology and improved gameplay, Tamagotchi started to make a comeback in the 2010s.

Comparing Tamagotchi Versions

With so many Tamagotchi versions at this point, it can be confusing for those who are both familiar and unfamiliar with the toy. One of the most important things you need to take note of is most Tamagotchis are released in English and Japanese versions.

The Tamagotchis of today still have the same essence when it comes to taking care of a pet. One of the newest versions, the Tamagotchi On, is arguably their most acclaimed release ever. You can find out the differences between the new Tamagotchi On vs Pix as well as other later versions of the egg-shaped handheld game below:

Tamagotchi On vs Original

Original blue Tamagotchi, adult Mimitchi character on screen

Amazon: Tamagotchi Original

First things first, how is the Tamagotchi On different from the Original Tamagotchi? There are 2 major differences. The first is the screen display, the original has black pixels whereas the new Tamagotchi is colored. The second is the original Tamagotchi is just you and your virtual pet, Tamagotchi On allows you to connect with other players.

Tamagotchi On vs Pix

Floral pink Tamagotchi Pix, purple virtual pet and photo of girl on screen

Amazon: Tamagotchi Pix

Dubbed as the “next generation” of the Tamagotchi, Tamagotchi Pix has a few key features that can’t be found from Tamagotchi On. For starters, Tamagotchi Pix has a touch screen instead of physical buttons—you can pet your Tamagotchi by swiping your finger! Another addition to this version is a built-in camera.

Tamagotchi On vs Meets

Tamagotchi Meets, floral pastel design, colored characters on screen

Don’t be confused with the Tamagotchi Meets, it’s simply the Japanese version of the Tamagotchi On. The two versions are pretty much the same when it comes to gameplay and features. You can connect to the Tamagotchi app via Bluetooth, earn rewards when you play, and get married to other players or special characters. The difference comes down to the physical color and design of the device.

Tamagotchi On vs IDL

Purple Tamagotchi, version IDL

The Tamagotchi IDL is a Japanese Tamagotchi released by Bandai in 2011. It is one of the first Tamagotchis that came out with a full-colored screen. It has over 30 characters and has features like maze and sliding puzzle games and gardening.

If You Choose Tamagotchi On 

The Tamagotchi On is one of the most successful releases of the newer generations of Tamagotchi. Older models usually have different shell colors, but that’s pretty much it. But with the Tamagotchi On, you’ll be surprised with exciting and exclusive content depending on the color and version you pick out. 

If you happen to decide on getting the Tamagotchi On vs Pix, you’ll be left with another decision to make. It’s pretty tough to choose between Tamagotchi On Fairy vs Magic or Tamagotchi On Fairy vs Wonder Garden. They are all super cute but here are their highlights to help you out:

Tamagotchi On Fairy 

Tamagotchi On Fairy in Pink, hearts and rainbows design

The Tamagotchi On Fairy comes in blue and pink colors. With it, you can visit the heart-shaped Fairy Land plus be able to marry the pink-cheeked Fairytchi or the unicorn-pegasus Unipegasatchi. 

Tamagotchi On Magic

Amazon exclusive Tamagotchi On Magic, white color, stars, and rainbow design

Released along with the Tamagotchi On Fairy, the Tamagotchi On Magic gives you a new place to explore, Magic Land. You’ll also get to meet witchy Majoritchi and batty Korobatchi. This version comes in 3 colors—purple, white, and green.

Tamagotchi On Wonder Garden

Tamagotchi On Wonder Garden in lavender

Introduced halfway through 2020, Tamagotchi On Wonder Garden is presented in turquoise and lavender shells. Some of its newest features include a dressmaker and library game and a new home screen. True to the Tamagotchi On series, you’ll also have exclusive access to Garden Land and meet 2 new characters Kirarihatter and Yumemi-Alice.

If You Choose Tamagotchi Pix

Unlike the Tamagotchi On, it won’t be as confusing to pick out a Tamagotchi Pix. Only one version has come out from this Tamagotchi and all you need to do is to pick out a color: floral, sky, ocean, or nature.

The Latest Tamagotchi Versions: Tamagotchi On Vs Pix

When it comes to Tamagotchi On vs Pix, it can be difficult to make a choice on which one is actually better. Versions of the Tamagotchi On has been released in 2019 and 2020 and has since gotten excellent reviews.

Fewer raves can be found on the Tamagotchi Pix, which is understandable as it was only released during the latter half of 2021. However, Pix does have unique features that are entirely new among Tamagotchis.

It’s up to you if you are up for a new Tamagotchi experience or stick to an updated version of a classic game.

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